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Latino Families Hit Hard by Biden-Harris Economy:

August 23, 2024 Lisa Johnson Comments Off

Latino Families Hit Hard by Biden-Harris Economy:
Growing Support for Trump After three and a half years under the Biden-Harris Administration, many Latino voters are asking: Are we better off today than we were during President Donald Trump’s time in office? For years, Democrat Party loyalists in the media have portrayed the Biden-Harris Administration as capable and competent. We’ve been told that Biden-Kamalanomics is working, and that our economy has never been stronger. But for millions of Latino families, and for the average American, that narrative doesn’t match reality.

At Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA), we’re in close contact with our communities, hearing firsthand the frustrations and fears of Latino families. They’re increasingly angry about the state of our country and worried about losing the America they once knew. Recent polls show a significant shift among Latino voters since the 2020 election, where resident Biden won this demographic by over 20 points. In 2024, polls reveal a narrowing gap, with several recent surveys showing President Trump and the Democratic nominee in a near tie. President Trump is set to capture more Latino votes than any Republican in recent history. This shift signals a growing disillusionment with the policies of the Biden-Harris Administration. The numbers tell the story. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, hard-working Americans are feeling the impact of skyrocketing prices and a declining quality of life. Prices have surged by 20%, making it increasingly difficult for families to cover basic necessities like groceries and rent.

The latest Consumer Price Index data paints a grim picture of an economy plagued by rising costs across the board. Since taking office, the administration has overseen significant price hikes: car insurance up 54%, gas up 50.5%, electricity up 31.7%, and even baby food up 30.1%.

As prices rise, savings dwindle, and real earnings shrink—down 3.9% under Biden-Harris – American families are facing relentless financial pressure. The administration’s economic policies have cost the middle class $2.4 trillion since March 2022, driving millions into financial hardship. Middle-class families have seen an average loss of $33,000 in real wealth. With interest rates at a 22-year high and rents unaffordable for many, it’s no surprise that nearly two-thirds of Americans report living paycheck-to-paycheck, with nearly half considering themselves financially broke.

Just this week, the American people were informed that the Labor Department overstated job growth by more than 800,000 jobs! Voters are left uestioning what other figures might have been inflated to prop up the Biden-Harris Administration.

Even as a recession appears on the horizon, Vice President Kamala Harris seems more concerned about pandering to the far-left fringes of the Democrat Party than addressing the concerns of struggling Americans. She promises to double down on these failing policies, pledging even more government overreach, which will only exacerbate this economic crisis. Latinos are realizing who is responsible for their financial struggles: Biden, Harris, and the Democrat-led policies that have failed our nation. It’s time to pull the brakes on this democratic socialist experiment before it’s too late.

It’s time to return to proven leadership that can restore prosperity, promote fiscal responsibility, and empower families and businesses to thrive. During President Trump’s Administration, we saw a robust economy where businesses flourished, wages increased, and the cost of living was comfortable. We experienced these successes firsthand. President Trump has a record of making America affordable again, and he is the leader we can trust to restore financial security for the middle class and put money back in the pockets of hard-working Americans.

At Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA), we are dedicated to advocating for the economic independence and well-being of our communities. As we approach November 5th, more and more Latino voters are rallying behind President Trump, confident that he can once again deliver prosperity and stability for our families.

By Lisa Johnson
National Director of Communications
Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA)