LUCA Condemns Tarrant County Commissioner Manny Ramirez’s Vote to Allow Polling Locations on College Campuses - LUCAusa

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LUCA Condemns Tarrant County Commissioner Manny Ramirez’s Vote to Allow Polling Locations on College Campuses

September 13, 2024 Lisa Johnson 3 Comments

Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA) condemns Tarrant County Commissioner Manny Ramirez’s decision to side with Democrats in voting to allow polling locations on college campuses.

It is a fact that many college students are not registered to vote in the county where they attend college, or are not even U.S. citizens, making them ineligible to vote on campus. This creates the potential for voter fraud, posing a threat to election integrity. Additionally, the data shows that college campuses experience low voter turnout, are challenging for elderly voters to access,
nd ultimately result in wasted taxpayer dollars.

According to WFAA, only 9,754 votes were cast at the University of Texas at Arlington, while a nearby polling location at the Center for Community Service Junior League of Arlington saw 25,340 votes during the 2020 general election.

LUCA echoes Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare’s concerns regarding the inefficiency of these campus polling locations. Judge O’Hare highlighted the low turnout, the difficulty accessing these sites due to limited parking, and the fact that many students either live outside the county or are international students.

Conservatives have fought relentlessly for election integrity, yet Commissioner Ramirez has disregarded the work of these concerned citizens. Instead, he has chosen to align with left-wing activists who promote mass mail-in ballots, voter fraud, and socialist policies. Tarrant County Republicans voted for Commissioner Ramirez in the 2022 Republican primary because they believed he would champion their values. By siding with Democrats on election issues, Ramirez is failing to represent his conservative constituents and signals a willingness to abandon election integrity for political gain. LUCA will not hesitate to call out weak politicians who cave under pressure, and Commissioner Ramirez’s actions are a clear betrayal to those who elected him.

In contrast, LUCA proudly supports strong Christian conservatives who stand firm in their values. LUCA fully endorses fearless leaders like Ted Cruz for the Senate, Brandon Gill for the House of Representatives, and Donald J. Trump for President.

In partnership with the Trump campaign, LUCA is mobilizing Latinos across America to vote their values. From now until November 5th, LUCA volunteers are organizing voter registration drives, block walking events, and rallies to ensure that President Trump wins the White House and true conservative leaders are elected nationwide.

Join LUCA today!

About LUCA:
Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA) exists to shine God’s light upon a dark world by living out the scriptures and promoting Christian conservative values in our families, schools, communities, government, and nation. LUCA boldly leads our communities in preserving our God-given, constitutionally-protected rights and freedoms under threat in America through education, organization, and political action. We empower Americans with the tools to fight back!

LUCA Condemns Tarrant County Commissioner Manny Ramirez’s Vote to Allow Polling Locations on College Campuses

Written in collaboration with:

Carlos Turcios, National Advocacy Director /State Executive Directors

Lisa Johnson, Communications Director

Kathi Arocha, Co-Director, Tarrant County

Tony Renteria, LUCA Founder

Melinda Rivera, LUCA President

Kendall Orr, Co-Director, Tarrant County


    September 14, 2024

    I applaud LUCA’s decision

    September 17, 2024

    I heartily disagree with your stance against Commissioner Ramirez on the subject of polling places on local college campuses. I have served as Election Judge and Lead Clerk at the UTA campus for the last year and I will tell you, that location is needed and necessary!
    I agree with Manny Ramirez that we are in need of a greater number of locations, not fewer locations.
    I have experienced all of those items you are concerned about regarding unlawful voting. As Election Judge, it’s my job to stop the unlawful voting, the unlawful campaigning, and the unlawful activity in and around the polling place. It’s also my job to ALLOW the lawful voting, the lawful campaigning, and the lawful activity!
    Please consider rescinding your condemnation of Commissioner Manny Ramirez.
    Lisa J. Ventura, PCT Chair #2745, Election Judge

      September 27, 2024

      The left has consistently used emotional appeals to circumvent existing laws, and LUCA will oppose yet another heartfelt attempt to sidestep regulations in order to win elections. If you’re a conservative election judge, you should stand with LUCA in upholding election integrity. For too long, power-hungry politicians have sought to manipulate election outcomes by tweaking the rules to their advantage.

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