Victory for Free Speech:

LUCA’s Efforts Force Policy Change in Fort Worth

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LUCA is more than just a Latino organization; we are a family. We are not just friends, coworkers, or team members. We are one big family.



LUCA is more than just a Latino organization; we are a family. We are not just friends, coworkers, or team members. We are one big family.



It's time for Latinos to take action and help save America. The left has taken advantage of us for too long, and it's time to put an end to it.



LUCA is more than just a Latino organization; we are a family. We are not just friends, coworkers, or team members. We are one big family.

November 5th

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Welcome Message from LUCA Founder/Chairman  

Hello everyone and welcome to our LUCA - Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA) website. My  name is Antonio “Tony” Renteria, and I am the Founder and Chairman of the Board of LUCA.  

While on this site you will learn more about our organization, a call to action in our country, as we address  the issues of the day with the urgency we know is needed. LUCA has a very impressive and action-oriented  team of leaders, coordinators and volunteers who are all impressive in their own right and I am honored to  have them as members of the LUCA family. I will on occasion post pictures, videos or appear on podcasts,  but this is a team, and my goal when I began this journey was to assemble an organization that exemplifies  the talents of the people who interact with our members and followers directly in their communities and  have a “dog in the hunt.” The efforts to achieve this began when one very impressive patriot joined our  group and began leading the charge in taking LUCA to another level nationally; hence, as you get more  involved with LUCA you will meet our very dynamic President, Melinda Ann. She is a bold and powerful  patriotic voice for the LUCA cause, a natural leader and a humble servant of God trusting Him to guide her  as she fights for our country in the battle for our faith, freedom and the preservation of our families in the  face of tyranny and social injustice. We now have a very impressive team that Melinda Ann has been  incredibly instrumental in bringing together, and our LUCA team will work hard to bring hope and restore  faith in humanity and God’s children will see that people they may have never met before are working  diligently in their communities to preserve their God ordained Constitutionally protected freedom.  

If you are interested in joining the LUCA movement, we would love to have you, but there are requirements  to becoming a part of our team -- one of the fastest growing organizations supporting the social welfare,  justice, faith and education for not only the Latino community, but for everyone within the communities  we serve. This rapid growth we attribute to our faith in God allowing Him to guide our path, our words and  our actions. As you navigate through our website and learn more about our organization, please feel free to  drop us a comment of a concern you may have in your community. Now, about those “requirements,”  

1.  Let’s first address that “Latinos” aspect of LUCA. You DO NOT need to be Latino to join the  LUCA movement. LUCA was created by Latinos to share our culture, faith and family values with  everyone we reach. LUCA values are espoused in the Bible and our Constitution and we strongly  support both, but we are not JUST an organization of Latinos, we welcome everyone who shares  our values regardless of Race, Color, Creed, Sex, Religion or National Origin. Again, with LUCA  it is all about protecting and preserving our freedoms and our faith. If you share in those values, we  gladly welcome you.  

2. We are “United” in our efforts, and we are not only a strong team, but a very large close-knit group  who have joined together working in harmony to fight a spiritual battle in a political battleground.  We recognize this fact and we have great deal of admiration and respect for everyone who joins us  in this battle. We do welcome everyone who wishes to participate in this journey with us and we  will give them all the help and encouragement they need as we work with them and for them in  protecting their communities and provide a voice that joins theirs as we work together to solve their  concerns which, once we get involved, become our concerns. Since we are UNITED, we will  immediately address and remove any signs of internal dissonance, or attempts to divide us within  or to slow the progress of accomplishing our goals. This is a free country and everyone is welcome  to their ideals and opinions, however if that pursuit is disruptive to our cause, then we are also free  to allow those individuals to pursue their goals with another organization by removing that  individual from LUCA. We will not be exploited from within.  

3. As stated earlier, we are “Conservative” in our faith, freedom and expression. We believe the Bible  to be the inerrant Word of God and we see attacks on faith in Him and His Son to be at the core of everything evil we are experiencing throughout our world. LUCA also believes The United States  Constitution is not only the foundation of our government but it IS the law of the land. It is our  belief our forefathers penned The Constitution in support of and to protect the very values and  freedoms ordained by God when He created us. We see the atrocities that careless governance has  allowed which have led to abortion, greatly compromised borders, fentanyl and drug crisis, child  sex trafficking, and human trafficking, corrupt political policy distorting our education system, the  perversion of literature directed at children and teens, inept governance, destruction of our  economic and energy independence, rampant inflation, racial division, compromised election  integrity, and the list goes on and on. We need Godly men and women to rise up and return biblical  conservative values to our country and we will be leading that charge.

4. Finally, the “Action” aspect of who we are is something we take very seriously. We don’t just talk  about issues or complain about them, we get into the weeds and work on providing the solutions.  If you follow us on this site or on social media you will see that we are not afraid to confront the  issues head on. Your vote is the foundational voice of the modern era so we register people to vote  so their voices can be heard. We vet candidates and question our elected officials on the policies  that affect our communities. We believe that the men and women who represent us in government  must be led by their faith and their commitment to honoring their oath of office, if they are not,  then we think their voters should know why, and have viable options to replace them. We protect  children by speaking at School Board meetings, writing letters to school officials and press releases  to the media, and notifying parents and the communities of the dangers of what these children are  being exposed to, then we support them and participate in their protests. We knock on doors, we  walk blocks, we attend town halls and we engage in the communities in whatever way is needed to  protect freedoms, the integrity of our government and the emotional, psychological and spiritual  well-being of children and those who cannot fight for these inalienable rights on their own.  

We are LUCA, we are God’s children, we are proud patriots, we are parents, we are neighbors, and we are  friends. We live among you and we care about you and we will fight to preserve your freedoms. We hope  you join us and we welcome you to our LUCA family. May God Bless you, embolden you and protect you  and may God Bless America.  

Boldly Serving, 

Tony Renteria 


Coming Soon

LUCA Upcoming Events

Whether you're in California or Florida, there's always something happening nearby. Join us and be part of the action!


Latinos United for Conservative Action

Our Life Statement

We are LUCA, we are for life.

We are believers and followers of the triune God, who breathed life into us (Genesis 2:7).

 We boldly profess the gospel of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:19).

 We help to elect Godly men and women into office to represent us in life (Hebrews 13-7).

 We encourage God’s people to defend their life and freedom and vote (Proverbs 16:33).

 We fight for the life of the unborn for they are God’s children (Psalm 139:13-16).

 We stand for the 2nd Amendment in defense of life (Nehemiah 4:13-14).

 We are for the Constitution which is for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (Leviticus 25:10).

 We share the good news of eternal life and salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior (John 3:16).

 We pray for God to breath life into a spiritually dying country (Ephesians 2:1-10).

We are a movement, a ministry for life.


Board of Directors

Tony Renteria
David Rendon
Board Secretary
Ronnie Rendon
Board Seargent-At-Arms
Shane Byrd
Chief Legal Counsel


Executive Officers

Tony Renteria
Chief Executive Officer
Melinda Ann
Cassie Will
Vice President


National Directors

Martha Will
National Ambassador Director
Aaron Rocha
National Media & Production Director

Aaron Rocha is a dedicated advocate for conservative values and a talented multimedia creator for LUCA

Timothy Brown
National Videography/Content Creator
Lisa Johnson
National Communications Director
Nathaniel Sisler
National Web Service Director
Carlos Turcios
National Advocacy Director


National Ambassadors

Jennifer Sevilla Korn
Former Special Assistant to the President, White House Office of Public Liaison
Pastor Ramiro Pena
Founder & Senior Pastor of Christ the King Church of Waco
Mario Rodriguez
Chairman of the Hispanic 100
Jane Jackson
Wife of Congressman Ronny Jackson
Matt Gomez
RNHA National Executive Director
Elisa Slider
RNHA Chairwoman
Mario Delgadillo
Asif Qamar
Jon Spiers M.D. J.D.
Dr. Dana Myers
Former Vice Chair RPT
Scarlett Johnson
Moms for Liberty-Wisconsin Legislative Committee Chair
Parveen Banwait
Owner of Indian Oven


State Executive Directors

Carlos Turcios
Oscar Dominguez
Antonio Garcia Ojuel
Ed Zuniga
Krista Lewie
Daniel Reyes
Paul Laramie
Stephanie Donegan
George Austin
Lisa Janloo

Blog Post

Latest Update Highlights

Lisa Johnson 26 Aug 2024
DNC Celebrates Abortion Extremism, Driving Away Moderate Voters

Are you as shocked as I was to hear about the mobile Planned Parenthood clinic

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Lisa Johnson 23 Aug 2024
Latino Families Hit Hard by Biden-Harris Economy:

Latino Families Hit Hard by Biden-Harris Economy:Growing Support for Trump After three and a half

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Lisa Johnson 21 Aug 2024
LUCA Responds to LULAC’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris for President

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for

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We began as a movement within Poder Latino, a Texas based 501c4 non-profit organization. We are currently operating as a DBA of Poder Latino.
LUCA means “Bringer of Light… Our mission is to shine God’s Light upon a dark world. We will do this by sharing scripture, and pursuing conservative values in schools, government, communities, and families through our actions promoting unity, education and faith.
LUCA is an action organization and our purpose is to educate and assist communities and families whenever our presence will make a difference. We are helpers when help is otherwise not available and we shine a light to celebrate great elected servants and teachers or we shine a light to expose those same servants when they exploit their roles to compromise freedoms.
LUCA means “bringer of light,” and the word Lucas (hence Luke) is derived from it. In the Bible, the prophet Luke, a physician, is one of the four authors of the gospels. Catholics consider Luke to be the patron saint of doctors, artists, and creatives. Hence the origin of the group name, the acronym being Latinos United for Conservative Action. John 8:12 King James Version (KJV) 12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life. In a world full of darkness we shine the light… We expose corruption wherever we find it We expose deceit from politicians We expose those who seek to destroy us We expose propaganda We expose those who wish to exploit children We expose unfairness and bad policy We illuminate the path to salvation through Jesus Christ We illuminate the roles of Godly men and women in their service to our country We illuminate the need to protect the innocent We illuminate the patriots and their bravery We are not afraid to shine, because our strength comes from God.
LUCA is an action organization at a time when this is sorely needed. We get in the weeds of issues and are unafraid to be a sounding board. We do so with character, integrity and class. LUCA is bold in our actions when boldness is needed, we are unwavering in our faith when faith is challenged and we are knowledgeable in our goals for those we serve in their quest to find solid God-fearing elected officials, schools and enacted policies which could infringe on the freedoms we enjoy. We are unafraid to use every form of media and communication needed to protect our communities while strongly supporting those in office who adhere to the values that strengthen our communities.
We believe in our constitutionally protected freedoms including freedom of speech, religion, due process and the right to bear arms. We believe that government should stop interfering in how parents raise their children unless actual abuse is taking place. We stand firmly against the gender transitioning of children. We stand firmly against men who identify as women, competing against women in sports or using women’s restroom’s, changing rooms or other facilities where women should enjoy their privacy. We stand against the sexual exploitation and sexual grooming of children either through clearly pornographic materials in their reading materials or through adults parading around them in explicit attire better suited for private adult events. The innocence of children must be preserved. We are for completing the wall and therefore protecting our borders. We strongly support legal immigrants but we believe allowing un-vetted illegal immigrants to flood through our borders is careless and poses dangers to the citizens of our country. We are for ending human trafficking. This is slavery and we strongly believe that the policies of our country should make it a high crime for the slavery of women and children, in particular, sex slavery. We are for voter ID, the very idea that as minorities we are incapable of obtaining ID is in and of itself is very condescending. We also believe in order to have fair elections we must do so in public in the time frame allowed unless there is extenuating circumstances and we are definitely against ballot harvesting. We are against forced vaccines, forced mask mandates and business closures.
WE ARE NOT JUST A GROUP FOR LATINOS – We welcome people from all walks of life, all races and ages. The word UNITED is a huge part of who we are and we take pride in it. We are all God’s children and together we can learn from one another and accomplish far greater things than if we are apart. If you believe in freedoms and wish to support the conservative values that we do, we welcome you regardless of race, age, color, religion, national origin.
You can email us through a link on this page or click one of the social media links to our pages and message us there. We look forward to hearing from you.